waiver from inheritance 意味

  • 相続権放棄{そうぞくけん ほうき}


        inheritance waiver:    相続放棄{そうぞく ほうき}
        waiver from the restriction on:    ~の制限免除{せいげん めんじょ}
        waiver from the restriction upon:    
        inheritance from a parent:    inheritance from a parent 親譲り おやゆずり
        receive a large inheritance from:    (人)から多額{たがく}の遺産{いさん}を受け取る[受け継ぐ?継承{けいしょう}する?相続{そうぞく}する]
        no waiver:    権利不放棄{けんり ふ ほうき}
        waiver:     waiver n. 〔法律〕 権利放棄, 権利放棄証書. 【動詞+】 renew a waiver 権利放棄証書を更新する I was asked to sign a waiver that released them from responsibility in case of breakage during transport. 輸送中の破損に対して彼らを免責に
        receive a hell of an inheritance from:    ~から莫大{ばくだい}な財産{ざいさん}を受け継ぐ
        by inheritance:    相続によって
        inheritance:     inheritance n. 継承, 相続; 遺伝的体質; 遺産. 【動詞+】 Trustees were appointed to administer the child's inheritance. その子の相続財産を管理するために管財人が指名された claim one's inheritance 相続権を主張する collect one's inh
        conditional waiver:    条件付き免除措置{じょうけんつき めんじょ そち}
        constitute a waiver:    権利放棄{けんり ほうき}を構成{こうせい}する
        continuing waiver:    継続的権利放棄{けいぞく てき けんり ほうき}
        custody waiver:    保護監督権{ほご かんとく けん}[親権{しんけん}]放棄{ほうき}
        debt waiver:    debt waiver 債権放棄 さいけんほうき


  1. "waive the right" 意味
  2. "waiver" 意味
  3. "waiver article" 意味
  4. "waiver by either party of any default" 意味
  5. "waiver clause" 意味
  6. "waiver from the restriction on" 意味
  7. "waiver from the restriction upon" 意味
  8. "waiver of a claim to priority" 意味
  9. "waiver of an appeal" 意味
  10. "waiver by either party of any default" 意味
  11. "waiver clause" 意味
  12. "waiver from the restriction on" 意味
  13. "waiver from the restriction upon" 意味

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